“Dating Tip: Don't be afraid to ask tough questions. And what are they? Whatever you find yourself avoiding in order not to rock the boat." - Ron Deal


Purposeful and Peaceful Parent Coaching

Parenting is a tough job. Like most parents, you want to be the best parent you can be. Even though you have read parenting books, you may still feel out of control in stressful situations or want to feel like you are guiding your children well.


...you've ever felt guilty for screaming at your child or giving them the silent treatment

...you'd like to learn to stay calm and connected with your child

...you desire to help them learn proper decision-making skills

...you would like to be a "scream free" parent

...you want to be able to help them learn to be responsible

...you struggle with peer pressure to measure up to other parents

...you want to turn siblings into friends

...handle bedtime without tears

coaching can help.



Purposeful and Peaceful Parenting Package

Single Parent Coaching

As a single parent you are probably overwhelmed and often wonder if you are succeeding as a parent. Some days you may struggle just to get a grip on the ball of emotions you are experiencing. I can help you be intentional in your parenting, stay focused, and apply principles to help you be the best “solo” parent you can be. It’s a road I’ve already traveled, so let me take you on a tour.

Single Moms Matter Basic Package

Being A Healthy Single Mom Package

Call Wendy at 706-540-7259 for a complimentary 30-minute initial consultation to determine if coaching is right for you.





Join me for a program to aid you in your co-parenting process and that will help create a more peaceful environment for your kids.

Who: Single Parents, Step parents, Grandparents, anyone raising kids between two homes


Format: Instruction/directed coaching, discussion and activities, and a 15- minute weekly individual follow up coaching call (must be scheduled the week following the session and does not accumulate);



 Topics include:

  • Creating Stability in a Single Parent Home
  • Single Fathering/Single Mothering - Co-parent Communication
  • Indicators of Healthy Co-Parenting
  • Learning a New Lingo for the Sake of the Children
  • Co-parenting Meetings and Planning Agendas
  • Handling the Handoff
  • Understanding the "Heart of the Child"
  • Parental Adjustment, Inter-parental Conflict
  • Helping Kids Plan for Holidays and Special Occasions
  • The "Top 10 Things" That Kids of Divorce Wish They Could Say to their Parents!
  • Dealing with Finances
  • Understanding Abuse, Addiction and Abandonment
  • Role of the Stepfather/Role of the Stepmother
  • Understanding the Emerging Adult and How Co-Parenting impacts Kids after Age 18
  • Graduation, College, Weddings and "Co-Grand Parenting" - Planning Ahead for Peace and Stability
Individual Package Information