“It is what it is but it will become what you make it." - Unknown


What do people say about working with Wendy?

About individual coaching:


I have learned so much about myself since talking with Wendy. Now I can set boundaries so that my needs are met. I am equipped with skills that allow me to communicate effectively with others. I am confident in my abilities to achieve success in my life. Such a blessing! Thanks, Wendy!

          - MLC


Wendy is not only personable and genuine but a great listener. She adds great value to coaching sessions by being well prepared with probing and thought provoking questions as well as exceptional and effective resources. After having been my coach for three months now I have made significant progress in reaching my goals. She is astute, trustworthy and responsive. She practices personal accountability and inspires it in others. She is an asset to the kingdom of God and the life coaching profession.
          -A. Wolfsohn

Wendy provided valuable resources and was a great encouragement to me during the Life Coaching sessions. She asked questions that really made me think, and as a result, I learned more about myself. The sessions have had a positive impact on me as I move forward in my life. 


I needed extra help this holiday season to maintain focus on a job search during the implosion of a 27 yr marriage.  Not only is Wendy an effective Life Coach, I also characterize her as highly professional, committed, and, most importantly, a supremely attentive listener.
Frankly, I was blown away by the level of detail Wendy addressed in her follow-up correspondence. This diligence came with every session, as did exercises and action plans to assist with my employment search, budgeting and roadmaps, as well as general life-coping strategies during this low point in my life.

Wendy is a “straight-shooter,” yet gentle with accountability and redirection. She truly cares about her client and is always punctual with appointments and flexible with scheduling.  I can assure you that Wendy’s goal setting, life assessments and business acumen helped me focus and prioritize based on Biblically–Sound principles. As an added value, Wendy offers public workshops locally in the community where anyone can attend for a small fee.

I give Wendy the credit for getting me back on track during my maelstrom.


About divorce recovery:

Out of all the avenues of moving through the healing process, i.e. counseling, Bible study groups, and meds, this group was the most helpful.  
           -Divorce recovery group participant

I was broken and now I am feeling stronger. The encouragement, the wisdom, the connections I have made within the group have filled my heart to overflowing. What a joy to be with like-minded peeps, even during times of severe trials.  
          -Divorce recovery group participant

The group helped me not feel so alone in the divorce process.         
          -Divorce recovery group participant

Of immense value in helping me understand, accept, and move forward.
          -Divorce recovery group participant

About being single and dating relationships workshop:

Wendy is very effective and personable. The material was extremely useful and practical.          
          – Successful Singlehood workshop participant.

Wendy shared some great information. She is always very real and personable and relatable. Very encouraging.
          -Successful Singlehood workshop participant.

Very positive, extremely worthwhile, great Christ-centered learning experience.
          -Successful Singlehood workshop participant.

I think all singles need to see this. Too much of the opposite opinion in the world. We must have God’s word on singleness.      
          -Successful Singlehood workshop participant.

It was encouraging to me to hear of a program of this nature. I don’t find anything like this anywhere. 
          -Successful Singlehood workshop participant.

About the Freedom Through Forgiveness Workshop:

Quite a lot of research was collected, prepared, and presented in an insightful, coherent, and Godly fashion. Really, the entire workshop was invaluable. I could not have consolidated that much information by myself on the internet as completely, accurately, and succinctly as Wendy has done.  Thank you for the biblical insight on a topic I have struggled with my entire life. I know this workshop will empower me to do the right thing and help me forgive my future ex-wife for choosing divorce and turning our family's lives upside down. Wendy possesses the skill set as well as the personal experience necessary to effectively teach the God honoring principle of forgiveness...to Believers as well as those who are not. I highly recommend Wendy to all who are going through the loss and pain of a divorce. Her wisdom, compassion, and attention to detail add salt and light to a distasteful subject in need of proper seasoning. BTW, the snacks and drinks were very good, a nice touch...and the venue was very comfortable. 