“The trouble with not having goals is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland


Registration/Application for Group Events


Wendy Fletcher-Clements
Email: info @ soaringhigher.net



*Please note that childcare is not available for most in person events and many events are held via Zoom

Your Name (First & Last)
Email Address
Best Contact Number
Workshop or Group you are
interested in attending
Marital Status
Age Group
I agree to pay fees associated with this event Yes 
Your Questions
Anti-Spam Code: AS [Load New Code]
Type Anti-Spam Code: (Required to prevent Spam, Thanks!)

If you do not receive a response/confirmation within 48 hours, your message may have been filtered through a spam folder. In this case, please contact us directly at 706-540-7259.


I am experiencing techinical difficulties with the payment portion of the registration. Once the form is compelted, you will receive an email with information on submitting payments. If you have questions or issues, please contact me at 706 - 540 - 7259. I apologize for any inconvenience. God Bless!



UPCOMING EVENTS: (see the calendar below or here for full details http://www.soaringhigher.net/Group-Coaching-Calendar-v-24.html)